Friday, July 20, 2012

Shar Pei Dogs

See this dogs here? It seems to me the owners prefer them ugly, the uglier the better for them. Why?

The Shar Pei

Monday, April 23, 2012

The person that did this wanted cigarette fast...he was like, "why go through all the process of planting tobacco, tending, harvesting, curing, cutting...the lot, when he can simply 'grow' cigarette?" 

Curiosity Killed Wall Gecko?

I brought a Gent EN54 panel in for repairs. Whatever happened to this panel? The whole thing was dead. I opened it up, checked the power board and found that the main fuse (3.15A) is blown. I lifted out the whole power board and …

a dried up dead wall gecko reached out its forearm and said "I saw death and decided to take the power board with me."

Monday, April 16, 2012

Why so serious? Let's put a smile on your face - from The Dark Night