Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Fixed FIL Powerbank

"The FIL power bank just stopped working," Esther said.
Well, it must have finished it's work ... nothing last forever anyway, I thought.

So, taken for dead it laid for days...until...

I prised it open. It took a while to get it open. The power bank casing is well designed and the parts fitted firmly together.

Figure 1 The FIL Power Bank

The circuit board as I expected contains a lot of SMD's, replacing part will be a difficult task. I noticed that the black wire that connects to the battery negative terminal is lose, could it be the culprit or it only came lose as I was trying to force the casing open?
It should be easy to find out. I held the wire to the battery negative terminal and used my other free hand to press the LED on off button...On came the light! I soldered the wire back in place and fitted everything back together.
Hopefully the power bank will give several years more of back-up power.

Figure 2 The Wire that connects to the Battery negative terminal